Have you heard of this powerful Hawaiian prayer that is said to cause release and breakthroughs? At first glance, Ho'oponopono is so simple it may seem a bit too basic. After all it's only 4 simple sentences that are being repeated over and over until the emotion is released. If you are very skeptical of this powerful prayer, maybe knowing this little story will motivate you enough to try it.
Therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a Ho'oponopono and a Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients, without ever meeting any of them or spending a moment in the same room with them. You read correctly and it's not a joke. He reviewed each of the patients' files, and then he healed them by healing himself. The amazing results seem like a miracle, but then miracles do happen when you use this prayer.
However to truly make this Hawaiian prayer powerful, the key is in accountability, honesty, and truly wanted to release and let go. So, let's get to the 4 sentences:
Step 1. I'm Sorry
This first step seems very simple but is one of the most difficult. This is based on the idea that whatever happens to you and from you, you hold accountability. Many people want to reject this idea since it does not always seem to be "fair," however you cannot truly be sorry if you don't accept the fact that you have accountability. As such, this step has to be done right, it is actually putting you back in control of what happened and to release the feelings that are connected with it.
Therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a Ho'oponopono and a Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients, without ever meeting any of them or spending a moment in the same room with them. You read correctly and it's not a joke. He reviewed each of the patients' files, and then he healed them by healing himself. The amazing results seem like a miracle, but then miracles do happen when you use this prayer.
However to truly make this Hawaiian prayer powerful, the key is in accountability, honesty, and truly wanted to release and let go. So, let's get to the 4 sentences:
Step 1. I'm Sorry
This first step seems very simple but is one of the most difficult. This is based on the idea that whatever happens to you and from you, you hold accountability. Many people want to reject this idea since it does not always seem to be "fair," however you cannot truly be sorry if you don't accept the fact that you have accountability. As such, this step has to be done right, it is actually putting you back in control of what happened and to release the feelings that are connected with it.
Think about it for a moment; You cannot be sorry for something that you believe is not your fault. However, if you are sorry for the part in you that is causing the reactions or the emotions, then you can accept full accountability that way. Not taking accountability, will keep you holding onto negative feelings much longer than necessary. It may also keep you stuck in a phase where you are looking for answers, explanation, closure etc... which stops you from moving forward.
Therefore, see this accountability as opening your heart by accepting accountability for that part in you that need to be healed. For example, if you are experiencing anger, regardless of the reason that caused the anger, take full responsibility for your anger. Find the part in you that causes the anger.
When done properly, this first step will help you stand in a place that nothing is "out there", but everything is within you, you can finally change, release and heal. This is not about changing the actual person or situation, it is about "disconnecting" your negative feelings from the situation or the person instead of pushing these negative feelings inside and ignoring them.
Don't be sorry for the other person getting mad, just "I'm sorry"... nothing else. Feel it, accept it, and be genuine... Remember don't be sorry for someone else's behaviors.
Say "I am sorry"
Step 2. Please forgive me
Don't worry about asking anyone in particular to forgive you... many times we need to forgive ourselves. So just ask the Universe. From what you are sorry for in Step 1, just ask for forgiveness. It does not have to be more detailed than that.
Say "Please forgive me"
Step 3. Thank you
Be grateful for the forgiveness you are receiving. At this point you can thank the Universe, your Guardian Angels, God, it really does not matter who you are thanking. Just put yourself in this space of gratitude, feeling and knowing that you are being heard, that your heart is opening and you are truly receiving and allowing forgiveness... and for all of that, you are thankful...
Say "Thank you"
Step 4. I love you
How magical to really feel love without expecting anything back; without any fears. Feel this unconditional love. Be the love that is needed. Love your body. Love who you are. Love the air you are breathing. Love God. Be a carrier of love energy as your heart chakra is wide open to give and to receive. As you are sending love to the Universe, it comes back to you.
Say "I love you"
I like to put my hand over my heart when I say this prayer. You can also hold some of your favorite crystals to help you with the healing.
At times I will say it over and over again as a meditation until I genuinely feel it.
This prayer is taking you to what Buddha called "the state of void" or "the state of emptiness", in that space "miracles" can truly happen since you are "resetting" your data to zero. Once in that space, you can now manifest a new "data".
Let me know how you are doing with your prayer. Practice it; feel it; release and heal. Not only your own energy will shift but the people around you too.
Written by Nathalie
Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner
Certified Cognitive Behavior
Relationship Coach
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